Aussie Biz Chic July Box Revealed! Comparisonitis

Aussie Biz Chic July box

Check out last month's Aussie Biz Chic box! The theme was beating imposter syndrome/comparisonitis.

It is so easy to compare ourselves to others in a negative way, especially when it comes to running our business, but with July’s Aussie Biz Chic box, we can finally leave those negative thoughts behind!

Featured Book: Comparisonitis

Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini

Featured Book: Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini

Multiple bestselling author Melissa Ambrosini and host of the #1 podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show puts the condition of Comparisonitis under the microscope, unpacking the symptoms, and offering practical tips you can start using immediately to break the cycle of comparison, free up mental bandwidth, and live life on your own terms.

When you cure Comparisonitis, you will:

  • Be free to live your life for you (no one else)

  • Feel peace from within

  • Experience genuine happiness

  • Truly appreciate your body and life

  • Free up SO much mental bandwidth for things you LOVE

  • Quit beating yourself up

  • Have more energy to go after the things that truly matter to you

  • And much more...

Blades from Bondi Blades


The first item in July’s Aussie Biz Chic box was this Single pack of 3 bio-degradable wheat straw handle dermaplaning blades from Bondi Blades. The blades are Stainless steel, sustainable and have an anti-slip handle. You can normally get 3-4 shaves per blade. It’s good for your skin and good for the environment. 

Step 1. Start with a freshly cleansed face.

Step 2. Use your Bondi Blade on a 45-degree angle and gently stroke in the direction

of the hair.

Step 3. After each stroke, wipe the blade on a cotton pad and see the results instantly.

Morning Mantras from Collective Hub

Morning Mantras

These Morning Mantras from Collective Hub are the perfect way to start off a productive day of working on your business! It includes an insightful quote designed to rocket you to greatness, followed by a musing and an inspiring affirmation to help propel you forward with grit, tenacity and resilience.

Following the hugely successful series of books, journals and affirmations cards, this second deck of 52 cards provides fuel to help you make positive change from the inside, dig deep, stay on purpose, back yourself and be true to your ideas.

Bullet Journal

Bullet Journal

An Aussie Biz Chic exclusive bullet journal will help you unleash your creativity! Keep track of tasks, schedule appointments and meetings, manage projects and take notes by not just writing but also drawing. The possibilities are endless!

This hardcover, dotted journal includes all your book journaling needs, including two ribbon bookmarks, a pocket to keep any loose pieces of paper you may collect throughout the day and the cover is made with high quality soft leather.



Mark the pages of July’s featured book, Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini, with this Aussie Biz Chic exclusive bookmark! No one likes losing their page when their reading, so this bookmark was the perfect edition to July’s box!

It has a gorgeous pink design and, of course, a bookish quote so everyone knows how much we LOVE to read! Plus, the beautiful gold tassel will make it easy to find your marked page.

Flyer Partner: The Good Numbers

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? or maybe you are starting a new business. The Good Numbers can help! They’re based in Wollongong NSW, however, their clients are based Australia-wide and they take pride in being 100% Aussie based, meaning no offshoring your private info past Australia’s borders.

Nothing is impossible. They believe in synergising their efforts toward the same goal: success. The Good Numbers’ mission is to ensure that their clients' businesses grow and evolve. They’re registered with the Australian Tax Practitioner's Board which means they are regulated and compliant tax agents.

Flyer Partner: DBM Consultants

Founded in 1992 by Dhruba Gupta, one of Australia's leading market researchers, DBM Consultants are a specialist research and insights consultancy with over 25 years’ experience advising the biggest brands in the country.

Their research and data-empowered consulting philosophy is relied upon to benchmark the performance of Australia's most successful organisations. They boast a rich record of experience and expertise in B2C and B2B markets across many industries with a strong focus in financial services.

Exclusive Masterclass: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

In this class we talked about Comparisonitis, a contagious, socially transmitted condition that occurs when you compare yourself to others so frequently and fiercely that you're left paralyzed, with your confidence in tatters and your self-worth plummeting. In this class, she'll help you heal from this disease, liberate your headspace, and raise your self-worth

Melissa Ambrosini is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, and the Audible Original PurposeFULL. Described as a 'Self-Help Guru' by Elle magazine, she is a speaker, self-love teacher and entrepreneur.

About Aussie Biz Chic:

A Monthly Girl Boss Subscription box and an online community for the motivated career woman. We're all about helping women to achieve their professional dreams through learning, growth and inspiring action.


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